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Britain's farmers still restricted by Chernobyl nuclear fallout

"Environmentalists say controls on 369 farms highlight danger of plans to build nuclear plants around UK"


Climate change displacement of people has begun

"The first evacuation of an entire community due to manmade global warming is happening on the Carteret Islands"

Category: Climate Change


Energy firms seek opt-outs over 2025 carbon capture deadline

"Power companies to ask the government not to force coal-fired plant closures in 2025 if carbon capture technology is not ready"


Cleaner air from reduced emissions could save millions of lives

"Tackling climate change by cutting greenhouse gas emissions could save millions of lives because of the cleaner air that would result, according to a recent study."

Category: Climate Change


Every UK household may get smart meter for gas and electricity

"Every home in the UK must be fitted with a "smart meter" by 2020 to reduce energy use and pave the way for a low-carbon "smart grid" under plans unveiled by the government today."

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 1236 to 1240 out of 2977